Monday, December 29, 2014

One More Reason to Quit Smoking

As if you needed one more reason to quit smoking, here are a few you should consider. Did you know that smoking is bad for your oral health? Not only are you polluting our lungs and body, but your teeth and gums are suffering.

Yellow Stained Teeth

Let's be honest here, yellow teeth are not that attractive. Not a single person on television has less than sparkly white teeth. Maybe you aren't in the place right now to straighten a crooked smile or fix broken teeth. However, you can revolutionize the way your mouth looks with whiter teeth. 

After you visit your dentist for tooth whitening or administer it at home, continuing to smoke will make it impossible for you to keep sparkling teeth. It is best to quit smoking to keep down on tooth staining. 

Oral Health Benefits When You Quit Smoking

There are many oral health benefits to not smoking. You reduce your risks for mouth cancer along with increase blood flow to the gums. Check out this article, HERE, to learn of other health benefits. 

With these reasons in mind, aren't you ready to quit smoking? Yes, it is hard and it will take a lot of dedication. You can do this. Make this year the year you do something good for your health.