Monday, December 29, 2014

One More Reason to Quit Smoking

As if you needed one more reason to quit smoking, here are a few you should consider. Did you know that smoking is bad for your oral health? Not only are you polluting our lungs and body, but your teeth and gums are suffering.

Yellow Stained Teeth

Let's be honest here, yellow teeth are not that attractive. Not a single person on television has less than sparkly white teeth. Maybe you aren't in the place right now to straighten a crooked smile or fix broken teeth. However, you can revolutionize the way your mouth looks with whiter teeth. 

After you visit your dentist for tooth whitening or administer it at home, continuing to smoke will make it impossible for you to keep sparkling teeth. It is best to quit smoking to keep down on tooth staining. 

Oral Health Benefits When You Quit Smoking

There are many oral health benefits to not smoking. You reduce your risks for mouth cancer along with increase blood flow to the gums. Check out this article, HERE, to learn of other health benefits. 

With these reasons in mind, aren't you ready to quit smoking? Yes, it is hard and it will take a lot of dedication. You can do this. Make this year the year you do something good for your health. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

What is a Prosthodontist

Have you ever heard of a Proshtodontist? Maybe you don't know one by name, but you are likely very familiar with their work.

Do you know anyone who has dentures or dental implants? If so, then you know what a prosthodontist does.

Watch this video for more information about why you should visit this type of dentist.

Want more information about this specialty? Check out North Dallas Denture Center for a list of services provided by Dr. Roe.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Best Way to Clean Dentures

If you have false teeth in your mouth, then you know the difficulty that comes with keeping them sparkly clean. Dentures can house a lot of bacteria and odor that can cause gum inflammation. It is best to make sure that you are always properly cleaning your dentures. Here are a few of the basics you need to know.

Use an Approved Cleaner

There are denture cleaning products on the market which are best for cleaning dentures. It is important you use these specific products in place of toothpaste. Some toothpastes are too harsh for your false teeth and can cause scratches. Scratches cause problems on dentures, because they create unclean-able surfaces. 

Regularly Rinse

After each meal, you should take your dentures out and rinse them off. This will keep food and debris from hardening up and becoming more difficult to clean later on. If you have the opportunity, you should consider brushing them off as well after meals. 

For more information on denture cleaning tips, check out this article HERE

If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Dallas, be sure to check out North Dallas Denture Center and get an appointment scheduled. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Know if You Have Bad Breath

Most people don't have to be told that their breath is less than fresh after they throw down a big Philly cheese steak or something loaded with onions. Pungent food and drinks are not the only cause of bad breath. How does one find out if they have bad breath? Here are a few things you can do to figure this out.

1. Ask Someone

This is probably not something you are going to walk up to someone on the street and ask. However, you can ask your spouse or close relative, who will love you no matter how bad your breath smells. If you don't feel like going out on that limb, you could ask your dentist. I assure you that your doctor has a way of telling if your breath smells bad without taking a big whiff. 

2. Use Floss

You can floss your teeth and smell the floss once it comes out of your mouth. If the floss smells bad, then you can rest assured your breath does as well. Be sure to floss in the back of your mouth where food is more likely going to get stuck. 

3. Look At Your Tongue

Try to stick out your tongue as far as it will go and look at the color. If you have any discolored spots or white coating, your breath is going to smell foul. The coating will hold on to odors and give off a bad smell when you talk. 

If you want to read about some other ways you can find out if you have bad breath, check out North Dallas Denture Center, where they post about oral health matters on a weekly basis.